Dojo AJAX Request to Retrieve REST Service Data and Display the Results on the Page

  load: function(data){
    var output = '<table>';
    // Build the header row by inspecting column names
    output += '<tr>';
    for (var col in data[0]) {
        output += '<th>' + col + '</th>';
    output += '</tr>';
    // Build the data rows
    for(var i in data){
      output += '<tr>';
      for (col in data[i]) {
        output += '<td>' + data[i][col] + '</td>';
      output += '</tr>';
    output += '</table>';
    dojo.byId('resultsDiv').innerHTML = output;
  error: function(msg, args) {'resultsDiv', 'color', 'red');
    dojo.byId('resultsDiv').innerHTML = 'Status: ' + args.xhr.status + '<br />' + msg;
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