Create Basic HTML Navigation Links Bean

 * Created: 2014.
 * Load HTML content to Xpages via String
 * Grab view column values into tableData tag

import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import lotus.domino.Document;
import lotus.domino.View;
import lotus.domino.local.Database;

 * @author Dököll Solutions, Inc.
 * @version 2014.
public class CreateHtmlJavaBean {

	// declare and initialise Back-end view variables
	// ...
	static String LINKS_VIEW = "URLSecurityAccessView";

	// get the current database being used
	Database database = (Database) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
					FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), "database");

	public String GenResourceHtml;	
	public String ViewURLID;
	public String UserNameValue;
	public String RoleNameValue;

	 * @return the genResourceHtml
	public String getGenResourceHtml() {
		return GenResourceHtml;

	 * @param genResourceHtml
	 *            the genResourceHtml to set
	public void setGenResourceHtml(String genResourceHtml) {
		GenResourceHtml = genResourceHtml;


	 * @return the viewURLID
	public String getViewURLID() {
		return ViewURLID;

	 * @param viewURLID the viewURLID to set
	public void setViewURLID(String viewURLID) {
		ViewURLID = viewURLID;

	 * @return the userNameValue
	public String getUserNameValue() {
		return UserNameValue;

	 * @param userNameValue the userNameValue to set
	public void setUserNameValue(String userNameValue) {
		UserNameValue = userNameValue;

	 * @return the roleNameValue
	public String getRoleNameValue() {
		return RoleNameValue;

	 * @param roleNameValue the roleNameValue to set
	public void setRoleNameValue(String roleNameValue) {
		RoleNameValue = roleNameValue;
	public CreateHtmlJavaBean(){
		 // get userCookies
		FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
		  String cookieName = null;
		  Cookie cookie[] = ((HttpServletRequest)facesContext.getExternalContext().
		  if(cookie != null && cookie.length > 0){
		  for(int i = 0; i<cookie.length; i++){
		  cookieName = cookie[i].getName();
			  UserNameValue = cookie[i].getValue();
			  System.out.println("WOAAAHHH! Found this UserNameValue Cookie..." + UserNameValue);
			  RoleNameValue = cookie[i].getValue();
			  System.out.println("WOAAAHHH! Found this RoleNameValue Cookie..." + RoleNameValue);
		  System.out.println("Cookies not found...");
		  //TODO: Add this method to JSFUtil class, 
		  //      also delete the cookies when logging out

	// prepare String to compile Tags
	public String outputHtmlTags(java.util.Collection<String> allTags)
			throws IOException {

		//get an External context to promote content
		HttpServletResponse httpServResp = (HttpServletResponse) FacesContext

		//render content as HTML in this case

		// use outputHtml variable to plug tags to page
		PrintWriter outputHtml = httpServResp.getWriter();

		//maintain proper/well-formed doctype
		outputHtml.append("<!doctype html>");
		outputHtml.append("<html lang='en'>");

		outputHtml.append("<meta charset='utf-8'>");
		outputHtml.append("<title>My HTML to Xpages Test</title>");

		// outputHtml.append( "<h1>HTML Body Items</h1>" );
		// Create an HTML table, add links
		// ...
		// run though tags 'allTags' plug into tableData tag
		for (String htmlTags : allTags) {
			outputHtml.append("<td>" + htmlTags + "</td>");
		//close tags


		return outputHtml.toString();

	//button code: use starts/endsWith to find specific URL items
	//             refrain from writing additional database calls to get values into button
	//TODO: Grab cookie value and search based on specific user
	public void doLoadHtmlTags() throws IOException {

		try {

			// Continue only if the database was properly instantiated
			if (database != null) {
				// ...
				View uLogs = database.getView(LINKS_VIEW);
				if (database.isFTIndexed()) {
					System.out.println(database +" is ready to be searched...");
					// Continue only if the View object has been properly
					// instantiated
					if (uLogs != null) {
						// Retrieve the first document in the view
						Document doc = uLogs.getFirstDocument();
						// Declare String objects to be used for field values

						int c = 0;
						// Loop through all documents in the view
						while (doc != null) {
							// TODO: Add jQuery functionality, also load link index, if needed, using 'int c'
							c += 1;
							// Retrieve the contents spit out HTML
							//plug in pageName +strViewURLText+ to server as Page Links
							//plug in pageNameExtension +strAddURLText+ to arrive as current page
							//when clicked it should resolve to specific pageURL, based on link accessed
							String strViewURLText = doc.getItemValueString("ViewURL");
							String strAddURLText = doc.getItemValueString("AddURL");
							ViewURLID ="<td width='300'><a href="+strAddURLText + "?" + "documentId="+ doc.getUniversalID() + "&action="+"EditDocument" +">"+strViewURLText+"</a></td>";
							// display
							ArrayList<String> postHtmlTagItems = new ArrayList<String>();
							// Add default Tag items
							// TODO: Add live links here

							// ...
							// make available all tags compiled into loadHtml...
							// output to as Design to HTML page
							CreateHtmlJavaBean loadTags = new CreateHtmlJavaBean();
							// ...
							String loadHtml = loadTags

							// DEBUG ONLY: Remove this, meant for debugging
							// purposes
							System.out.println("HTML Design Created! "
									+ new java.util.Date().toString());

							doc = uLogs.getNextDocument(doc);
					} else {
						System.out.println("Can't do it... database is not indexed...");
					// return memory used by the View object to the system
				// Return memory used by the Database object to the system


		} catch (Exception e) {
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