Use TreeSet to get keyword values, avoiding duplicates and sorting

Static method in Utils library (it's advisable to use a more specific name that just Utils, to avoid confusion of Class names, which is why Extension Library has ExtLibUtils) has :
public static String[] getKeyObj(String key) {
  Database currDb = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase();
  View vwUser = currDb.getView("Keywords");
  ViewEntry ent = vwUser.getEntryByKey(key, true);
  Vector<String> users = (Vector<String>) ent.getColumnValues().get(1);
  return new TreeSet(users).toArray();

Code from managed bean - "Utils" will need to match the name you've given to your static library
public String[] getDepartments() {
  return Utils.getKeyObj("Departments");

Code from XPage - the ValueBinding "myBean.departments" will look for a method "getDepartments" in myBean
<xp:comboBox id="comboBox1">
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