LotusScript code to fetch other error types from the appLog.nsf

Sys:Dököll Solutions, Inc.
Des:LotusScript Agent created from copy to read Log.nsf database and load results into text file
   :Agent should be set up to load new documents only, avoid loads in file/servers.  See Agent properties...		

Option Public

Sub Initialize
	'Declare database variables
	Dim ServerLog As NotesDatabase
	Dim Sess As NotesSession
	Dim ServerName As String		
	Dim DBView As NotesView
	Dim DocView As String
	Dim DatabaseName As String
	'Declare fileGrab variables	
	Dim RecordsPosition As Long
	Dim RecordsCount As Long
	Dim Filename As String
	Dim RecordsFreeFile As Integer
	'Declare Search variables	
	Dim SearchCriteria As String	
	Dim LogDoc As NotesDocument

	'Get a Notes session
	Set Sess = New NotesSession
	'Grab the Server Name based on session
	ServerName = Sess.CurrentDatabase.Server
	'Declare and initialize Array (query items)
	Dim srchCriteria (5) As String
	srchCriteria(0)= "at com.ibm."
	srchCriteria(1)= "at com.sun."
	srchCriteria(2)= "at javax.faces."
	srchCriteria(3)= "at java.security."
	srchCriteria(4)= "at lotus.domino."
	srchCriteria(5)= "at java.lang."
	'Declare and initialize variable for viewName
	DocView = "MiscEvents"
	'Declare and initialize variable for Logdb Name
	DatabaseName = "applog.nsf"
	'TO DO: Revive this Integer(Count) for testing purposes
	RecordsCount = 0
	'Set up name for the text file being created
	'Set up placeHolder for the text file being created
	FileName = "C:\temp\CSV_DATA\" & Filename &".csv"
	'Initialize freeFile placeholder
	RecordsFreeFile = FreeFile()
	'use placeholder, load data in FileName
	Open FileName For Output As #RecordsFreeFile
	Set ServerLog = New NotesDatabase(ServerName, DatabaseName)
	Set DBView = ServerLog.GetView(DocView)	
	'TO DO: Add an entry here to see if the document is actually new
	'Still set up this database 'Agent Properties' from applog.nsf
	'this should help avoid creating a truly large text file (enhances performance)
	'Further, query the back-end (applog.nsf) with a dateRange, in which case you may need to index 
	'the applog.nsf database so it is searchable
	'Grab the first document
	Set LogDoc = DBView.GetFirstDocument
	'run through this list (EventList) until last cursor in the documents list
	While Not LogDoc Is Nothing
		'TO DO: Add a dateRange here to minimize the load in your textFile
		'Alternatively, you can DateDiffer against LogDoc.Created 
		'and count days from LogDoc.Created to search entries on
		'pick any logItems created from EventList
		If LogDoc.Created Then
			'read records sequentially from eventList
			ForAll LogRecords In LogDoc.EventList

				ForAll errDescrip In srchCriteria    	
				'search the value SearchCriteria through the records returned from eventList
					RecordsPosition = InStr(LogRecords, errDescrip)
					'if found HTTP is found, fill in RecordsFile
					If RecordsPosition > 0 Then
					'Print the records into the text (RecordsFile) file
						Print #RecordsFreeFile,LogRecords '[add RecordCounts here to uniquely identify values]
					'increment the RecordsCount and loop through until end of the textfile (newly created)
						RecordsCount = RecordsCount + 1
					End If
				End ForAll
			End ForAll
		End If
		'Get the remaining docs sequentially from eventList, if any
		Set LogDoc = DBView.GetNextDocument(LogDoc)

	'close the file
	Close #RecordsFreeFile
	'TO DO: Revive this messageBox for testing purposes
	MessageBox "Number of Records Searched " & RecordsCount & " based on Search Criteria"
End Sub
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