JSON generation in view columns

REM {list of fields where we should return an array, even for one value};
REM {list of fields to exclude from the output};

REM {GMT timezone for time conversion to ISO8601};
_GMT:="Z=0$DO=1$DL=3 -1 1 10 -1 1$ZX=37$ZN=GMT";
REM {escape list for special characters in JSON};
_jsonFrom:=  "\\"       :   "\""      :     @Char(10)         :     @Char(9);
_jsonTo:=      "\\\\"     :   "\\\""    :     "\\n"                     :     "\\t";

REM {build list of fields to iterate over};

REM {start generating the JSON object};

@For(n := 1; n <= @Elements(_fields); n := n + 1;

_localDT:=@If(!@IsTime(_value);"";@TextToTime(@TimeToTextInZone(  _value  ;  _GMT  )) );


_json:=_json+@If(@Elements(_valueAsStr)>1 | @IsMember(_fields[n];_fieldsWithArrays);"["+@Implode(_valueAsStr;", ")+"]";

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