DebugStr function

Function DebugStr(vel As Variant) As Variant
	' This function takes any variant or object and returns a string describing its value.
	' E.g. a string type is converted to a string enclosed in quotes, a date or number is
	' simply converted to its default string representation, and there are special notations
	' for arrays and lists. For any object, the type name of the object is shown.
	Dim result$, cc$
	Dim i%
	If IsArray(vel) Then
		ForAll values In vel
			result$ = result$ & ", " & DebugStr(values)
		End ForAll
		DebugStr= "(" + Mid$(result$, 3) + ")"
	ElseIf IsList(vel) Then
		ForAll lvalues In vel
			result$ = result$ + ", " + ListTag(lvalues) + "|" + DebugStr(lvalues)
		End ForAll
		DebugStr= "{" + Mid$(result$, 3) + "}"
		Select Case DataType(vel)
		Case 0 ' EMPTY
			DebugStr= "EMPTY"
		Case 1 ' NULL
			DebugStr= "NULL"
		Case 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ' any number or date
			DebugStr= CStr(vel)
		Case 17
			If vel >= 32 And vel < 128 Then
				DebugStr = {'} & Chr$(vel) & {'}
				DebugStr = CStr(vel)
			End If
		Case 8 ' String
			DebugStr= """"
			For i% = 1 To Len(vel)
				cc$ = Mid$(vel, i%, 1)
				Select Case cc$
				Case """", "\"
					DebugStr = DebugStr & "\" & cc$
				Case "a" To "z", "A" To "Z", "0" To "9"
					DebugStr = DebugStr & cc$
				Case Else
					If InStr(".,`~/?;:'|{}[]=+-_)(*&^%$# @!", cc$) Then
						DebugStr = DebugStr + cc$
						DebugStr = DebugStr & "\" & Uni(cc$) & "."
					End If
				End Select
			DebugStr = DebugStr + """"
		Case 9 ' OLE object or NOTHING
			If vel Is Nothing Then
				DebugStr= "NOTHING"
				DebugStr= "OLE Object"
			End If
		Case 10 ' OLE error
			DebugStr= "OLE Error"
		Case 11 ' Boolean
			If vel Then
				DebugStr= "True"
				DebugStr= "False"
			End If
		Case Else
			DebugStr= TypeName(vel)
			Select Case TypeName(vel)
				DebugStr = DebugStr & " noteID=" & vel.noteid
				DebugStr = DebugStr & {(} & & {)}
				DebugStr = DebugStr & {(} & vel.count & {)}
			End Select
	End Select
	End If
End Function
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